
My question came up while following the tutorial Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures and its JavaScript version.

When the text says that functor unwraps value from the context, I understand that a Just 5 -> 5 transformation is happening. As per What does the "Just" syntax mean in Haskell? , Just is "defined in scope" of the Maybe monad.

My question is what is so magical about the whole unwrapping thing? I mean, what is the problem of having some language rule which automatically unwraps the "scoped" variables? It looks to me that this action is merely a lookup in some kind of a table where the symbol Just 5 corresponds to the integer 5.

My question is inspired by the JavaScript version, where Just 5 is prototype array instance. So unwrapping is, indeed, not rocket science at all.

Is this a "for-computation" type of reason or a "for-programmer" one? Why do we distinguish Just 5 from 5 on the programming language level?


6 Answers


First of all, I don't think you can understand Monads and the like without understanding a Haskell like type system (i.e. without learning a language like Haskell). Yes, there are many tutorials that claim otherwise, but I've read a lot of them before learning Haskell and I didn't get it. So my advice: If you want to understand Monads learn at least some Haskell.

To your question "Why do we distinguish Just 5 from 5 on the programming language level?". For type safety. In most languages that happen not to be Haskell null, nil, whatever, is often used to represent the absence of a value. This however often results in things like NullPointerExceptions, because you didn't anticipate that a value may not be there.

In Haskell there is no null. So if you have a value of type Int, or anything else, that value can not be null. You are guarantied that there is a value. Great! But sometimes you actually want/need to encode the absence of a value. In Haskell we use Maybe for that. So something of type Maybe Int can either be something like Just 5 or Nothing. This way it is explicit that the value may not be there and you can not accidentally forget that it might be Nothing because you have to explicitly unwrap the value.

This has nothing really to do with Monads, except that Maybe happens to implement the Monad type class (a type class is a bit like a Java interface, if you are familiar with Java). That is Maybe is not primarily a Monad, but just happens to also be a Monad.


I think you're looking at this from the wrong direction. Monad is explicitly not about unwrapping. Monad is about composition.

It lets you combine (not necessarily apply) a function of type a -> m b with a value of type m a to get a value of type m b. I can understand where you might think the obvious way to do that is unwrapping the value of type m a into an value of type a. But very few Monad instances work that way. In fact, the only ones that can work that way are the ones that are equivalent to the Identity type. For nearly all instances of Monad, it's just not possible to unwrap a value.

Consider Maybe. Unwrapping a value of type Maybe a into a value of type a is impossible when the starting value is Nothing. Monadic composition has to do something more interesting than just unwrapping.

Consider []. Unwrapping a value of type [a] into a value of type a is impossible unless the input just happens to be a list of length 1. In every other case, monadic composition is doing something more interesting than unwrapping.

Consider IO. A value like getLine :: IO String doesn't contain a String value. It's plain impossible to unwrap, because it isn't wrapping something. Monadic composition of IO values doesn't unwrap anything. It combines IO values into more complex IO values.

I think it's worthwhile to adjust your perspective on what Monad means. If it were only an unwrapping interface, it would be pretty useless. It's more subtle, though. It's a composition interface.


A possible example is this: consider the Haskell type Maybe (Maybe Int). Its values can be of the following form

  • Nothing
  • Just Nothing
  • Just (Just n) for some integer n

Without the Just wrapper we couldn't distinguish between the first two.

Indeed, the whole point of the optional type Maybe a is to add a new value (Nothing) to an existing type a. To ensure such Nothing is indeed a fresh value, we wrap the other values inside Just.

It also helps during type inference. When we see the function call f 'a' we can see that f is called at the type Char, and not at type Maybe Char or Maybe (Maybe Char). The typeclass system would allow f to have a different implementation in each of these cases (this is similar to "overloading" in some OOP languages).


My question is, what is so magical about the whole unwrapping thing?

There is nothing magical about it. You can use garden-variety pattern matching (here in the shape of a case expression) to define...

mapMaybe :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
mapMaybe f mx = case mx of
    Just x -> Just (f x)
    _ -> mx

... which is exactly the same than fmap for Maybe. The only thing the Functor class adds -- and it is a very useful thing, make no mistake -- is an extra level of abstraction that covers various structures that can be mapped over.

Why do we distinguish Just 5 from 5 on programming language level?

More meaningful than the distinction between Just 5 and 5 is the one between their types -- e.g. between Maybe Intand Int. If you have x :: Int, you can be certain x is an Int value you can work with. If you have mx :: Maybe Int, however, you have no such certainty, as the Int might be missing (i.e. mx might be Nothing), and the type system forces you to acknowledge and deal with this possibility.

See also: jpath's answer for further comments on the usefulness of Maybe (which isn't necessarily tied to classes such as Functor and Monad); Carl's answer for further comments on the usefulness of classes like Functor and Monad (beyond the Maybe example).


What "unwrap" means depends on the container. Maybe is just one example. "Unwrapping" means something completely different when the container is [] instead of Maybe.

The magical about the whole unwrapping thing is the abstraction: In a Monad we have a notion of "unwrapping" which abstracts the nature of the container; and then it starts to get "magical"...

You ask what Just means: Just is nothing but a Datatype constructor in Haskell defined via a data declaration like :

 data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing

Just take a value of type a and creates a value of type Maybe a. It's Haskell's way to distinguigh values of type a from values of type Maybe a


First of all, you need to remove monads from your question. They have nothing to do this. Treat this articles as one of the points of view on the monads, maybe it does not suit you, you may still little understood in the type system that would understand monads in haskell.

And so, your question can be rephrased as: Why is there no implicit conversion Just 5 => 5? But answer is very simple. Because value Just 5 has type Maybe Integer, so this value may would be Nothing, but what must do compiler in this case? Only programmer can resolve this situation.

But there is more uncomfortable question. There are types, for example, newtype Identity a = Identity a. It's just wrapper around some value. So, why is there no impliciti conversion Identity a => a?

The simple answer is - an attempt to realize this would lead to a different system types, which would not have had many fine qualities that exist in the current. According to this, it can be sacrificed for the benefit of other possibilities.