
I have a problem with resolving a Generic Interface mapped to none generic Type.


UnityContainer.RegisterType<IHandle<SomeEvent>, SomeHandler>();
//UnityContainer.RegisterType(typeof(IHandle<SupplierApprovedEvent>), typeof(TestHandler));

This is how i try to resolve it without success:

 public static void GenericResolver<T>(T args) where T : IDomainEvent
            var handlerType = typeof(IHandle<>).MakeGenericType(args.GetType());
            var firstTry = container.GetServices(handlerType);// Resolve fails
            var secondTry = container.GetServices(typeof(IHandle<T>)); // Resolve fails

            var casted = args as IDomainEvent;
            var handlerType2 = typeof(IHandle<>).MakeGenericType(casted.GetType());
            var thirdTry = container.GetServices(handlerType2);// Resolve fails

            var handlerType3 = typeof(IHandle<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T));
            var fourthTry = container.GetServices(handlerType3);// Resolve fails

My interfaces:

public interface IDomainEvent {}

public interface IHandle<T>: IHandle where T : IDomainEvent
    void Handle(T args);

public interface IHandle
    void Handle(IDomainEvent args);

Interface implementation:

public class SomeHandler: IHandle<SomeEvent>
    public void Handle(IDomainEvent args)
        Handle(args as SomeEvent);

    public void Handle(SomeEvent args)
        //DO SOMETHING

What do I miss here :!?


1.there are no exceptions.

2.GetService is returning null.

3.This resolve works fine but its not what i want:

var itsTypeofSomeHangled =(SomeHandler)injector.GetService(typeof(IHandle<SomeEvent>));

4.container in the example is UnityDependencyResolver which inherits IDependencyResolver. This is the reason why i call methods GetServices and GerSevice

UPDATE2: It turns out that the problem is in GetServices (ResolveAll). This line works perfectly, but i have more than one implementation of this Gereric Interface.

var handlerType = typeof(IHandle<>).MakeGenericType(args.GetType());
var xxxx = (IHandle)container.GetService(handlerType);
Is GetServices an extension method that you created yourself? Or do you mean to use Resolve instead?Yacoub Massad
Why do you call container.GetServices instead of container.Resolve?Steven
container is UnityDependencyResolver exposed as IDependencyResolver. Thats why its GetService instead of ResolveIIvanov
You say "resolve fails" but do didn't add the exception details (message, type, full stack trace) to your question.Steven
Why do you use GetServices instead of GetService?Yacoub Massad

1 Answers


I found what is the problem. Unity resolve all does not work the way i expect in my example. Scott Chamberlain explanation in this topic covers it.


    var handlerType = typeof(IHandle<>).MakeGenericType(args.GetType());
    var handlers = resolver.Container.Registrations
                       .Where(x => x.RegisteredType.IsGenericType && x.RegisteredType == handlerType)
                       .Select(x => (IHandle)resolver.GetService(x.RegisteredType));

    foreach (IHandle item in handlers)

Basically what i did here is to query the container registration to look for my handler type. Than in the .Select i call GetService(Resolve) with the specific registration.RegisteredType parameter and of course cast it. Than in the foreach its obvious...