Many users have asked same question but I am stacked..
Rails : 4.2.5
I want to upload an avatar image as default when a user is created.
class UsersController < ApplicationController
after_action :set_default_avatar!, only: [:create]
def create
def set_default_avatar!
url = ImageUploader.default_url()
@user.update_attribute(:avatar, url)
class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
def self.default_url()
ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("fallback/" + "avatar_#{rand(1..15).to_s}.jpg"])
once a user creation process is completed, then "after_action" is processed.
"default_url" returns a random image path which is located in 'public/fallbak/'.
I put the url in user.avatar, the users avatar has been updated as NULL. Neither no image was uploaded on Cloudinary.
Basically, I want to store images at Cloudinary service.
When a user edit users information at a screen, they could be able to upload avatar image.
However I cant upload an image as default avatar by the logic above.
I red the document of Carrierwave, but it doesn't work for me.
I believe that something is missing in my code.
Any help is very appreciated.