
I have a problem with silent notifications on iOS.

When my application is in background, I don't receive silent notification sent by FCM. But if I try to send directly to APNS, the notification is successfully received.

This is the JSON sent to FCM:

"to" : "<token>",
"priority": "high",
"content_available": true,
"data" : {
  "<key>" : "<string>",
  "<key2>" : "<string>"


This is the JSON sent directly to APNS:

  "aps": {
    "content-available": 1
  "<key>": "<string>",
  "<key>": "<string>"

I have already tried to remove the "priority" key because I saw someone saying that I shouldn't set the priority if the "content_available" is already set. It didn't work.

  1. I have "Push Notifications" enabled in XCode > Capabilities.
  2. I have "Remote notifications" checked in Background Modes in XCode > Capabilities.
  3. The FCM notifications are working fine when app is in foreground and sometimes when the app is in background.

5 Answers


Remove "notification" key value pair and add "content_available": true

It will look like this

    "to" : "...",
    "priority": "high",
    "content_available": true,
    "data" : {

This should make it a silent APNS and you need to handle with corresponding APNS delegate methods.

You will need to handle this through delegates Refer this firebase documentation for details: https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/concept-options


I found an workaround. I put an empty value for "sound" in "notification" field and the silent notifications are delivered even when the application is in background.

    "to" : "...",
    "priority": "high",
    "notification": {
        "sound": ""
    "data" : {

My hunch is that Apple does not allow silent notifications with a 'high' priority and somehow "notification": {"sound": ""} tricks the APNS that this notification is not a silent one.


If you are using a cloud function, I found a lot of the information, even in the official documentation was out of date, or different from the typescript interfaces.

This finally worked for me. Rather than set alert: "", just leave it out, it's optional. For custom properties, you can add to message.apns.payload. The fcmToken should be the user's token from their device.

  const message: TokenMessage = {
    token: fcmToken,
    apns: {
      headers: {
        "apns-priority": "5",
      payload: {
        aps: {
          contentAvailable: true,
        my_custom_parameter: true,

    .then(() => {
      // do something.
    .catch((error) => {
        "Error sending push notification: " + error.toString()
      // Do something.

I was working on Firebase silent push notification using nodejs. When I tried below code its was working fine. When I was adding "priority": "high" and "content_available": true it was giving below error.

Worked below code

const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const serviceAccount ="...."; //service account path
  credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)

let  fcmToken = "...."; // Your token
let message ={
    "token": fcmToken,
    "data": {
        "updateApi": "activity"

  .then((response) =>{
    console.log('Successfully sent notification:', response);
  .catch((error) =>{
    console.log('Error while sending notification:', error);

Error when I added the priority and content_available in message object

{ code: 'messaging/invalid-argument',
     message: 'Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "priority" at \'message\': Cannot find field.\nInvalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "content_available" at \'message\': Cannot find field.' },
  codePrefix: 'messaging' }

Please follow the documentation for server side and make setup for json as explained over the document. I have faced similiar problem earlier and solved the issue going this doc.

  "to" : "bk3RNwTe3H0:CI2k_HHwgIpoDKCIZvvDMExUdFQ3P1...",
  "priority" : "high",
  "content_available": true,
  "notification" : {
    "body" : "",
    "title" : "",
    "icon" : "new"
  "data" : {
    "volume" : "3.21.15",
    "contents" : "http://www.news-magazine.com/world-week/21659772"

content_available = true and body, title empty does the task.