Job submission failed, the user datalakeanalyticsaccountname does not have permissions to a subfolder in the /system/ path needed by Data Lake Analytics. Please run “Add User Wizard” from the Data Lake Analytics Azure Portal or use Azure PowerShell to grant access for the user to the /system/ and its children on the Data Lake Store.
The data factory seems to treat the "name" of the data lake analytics account as an user and complains about permissions. I have U-SQL transform activity with Azure Data Lake Analytics linked service.
"name": "LsDataLakeAnalytics",
"properties": {
"type": "AzureDataLakeAnalytics",
"typeProperties": {
"accountName": "<data lake analytics account name>",
"authorization": "**********",
"sessionId": "**********",
"subscriptionId": "xxxxxxxx",
"resourceGroupName": "xxxxxxx"
I'm a super user in the default Data Lake Store and I authorized the linked service with my organization credentials. I even checked my access to /system/ folder path and I got RWX access. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.