I am trying to embed an instance of LibreOffice with Delphi in my Application. My main goal is it to achieve a result like in MS office when im embedding LibreOffice documents into it. If possible, i want to use TOLEConatiner to achieve this.
For testing i wrote a program with a TOleContainer Component:
procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
if OpenDialog.Execute then
if FileExists(OpenDialog.FileName) then
OleContainer.CreateObjectFromFile(OpenDialog.FileName, false)
For MS Office (opening a .docx-file), this already works without problems. Opening an .odt-file and then activating the OLEContainer results in an empty frame, showing more or less nothing, therefore not viewable or editable.
So i tried to find out more about LibreOffice, OLE and COM. I have found out that i can use OO API to access its functionality , I first need to create an OLEObject of the OO ServiceManager, then creating a desktop service to create a document, something like this:
Server := CreateOleObject('com.sun.star.ServiceManager');
Desktop := Server.CreateInstance('com.sun.star.frame.Desktop')
LoadParams := VarArrayCreate([0, 0], varVariant);
Param := Server.Bridge_GetStruct('com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue');
Param.Name := 'Hidden';
Param.Value := True;
LoadParams[0] := Param;
Document := Desktop.LoadComponentFromURL('private:factory/swriter', '_default', 0, LoadParams);
My problem is that i don't see how to combine this with OLEContainer to get my expected result. Examples I have found (for example this one) couldn't really help me either as they open a seperate instance of LibreOffice. I also informed myself about some services of LibreOffice to find any solution, but its quite hard for me to get through the documentation.
OLE, COM and LibreOffice API is a new topic for me and i feel quite lost there. So i come up with the following question:
Is it even possible to show and edit a document in a LibreOffice instance embedded in an OleContainer? If yes, how can i achieve that? If no, are there any alternatives to show a LibreOffice Instance in my application?