
Due to the great number of sheets I will have in my Google Sheets I want to create links to all sheets on the first sheet. This works within Google Sheets with the following code:

function goToSheet2() {
function goToSheet(sheetName) {
    var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(sheetName);

Further explanation on exactly how to in this other stack overflow post.

However, once you've embedded the sheet, it doesn't work anymore. I suppose this has to do with the fact that this script makes your button/image work like a link (the script just helps you find the appropriate #gid=) so it actually just reloads the whole page, which is not possible in the embedded version.

Any pointers towards the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I now know why this doesn't work. As stated on this page:

Only users who have permission to edit a spreadsheet, document, or form can run its bound script. Collaborators who have only view access cannot open the script editor, although if they make a copy of the parent file, they become the owner of the copy and will be able to see and run a copy of the script.

I however can't seem to understand how to make a bound script into a standalone script that works with the embedded file. I've tried publishing the script by "deploying it as a webapp", but that doesn't work.

Edit 2: I now have a very inelegant way to get the script to work on an embedded version of the spreadsheet, but the spreadsheet isn't the way I want it.

Explanation: Basically I change the iframe code from this:

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/SPREADSHEET-ID/pubhtml?widget=true&amp;headers=false&amp;chrome=false" height="500" width="500"></iframe>

To this:

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/SPREADSHEET-ID/edit?usp=sharing?widget=true&amp;headers=false" height="500" width="500"></iframe>

This forced me however to show the whole Google Sheets page with the menu and everything. The script works however, I can change to another sheet by clicking on an image.

Now onto the funny part: I can hide the menu by adding &rm=minimal to the link, but now the script no longer works.

Have you tried to implement the suggested solution in the link you have provided? Can you expound more on the issue? Also, state if you have encountered any error.Android Enthusiast
@d.datul1990 Yes, I have implemented the solution, and as I have already mentioned it does work within the spreadhseet or if you embed a shared document, but it doesn't work if you embed it with a "publish" link (the link provided by google spreadsheet that will make it uneditable & look nice & neat). I don't know how more specific I can be with the issue, since I've already stated everything I've tried & learned about it. If you have any ideas what more I could do to give you more information about it, please let me know! And no, I haven't encountered any errors.Ber

1 Answers


You are better served creating code to display the data as HTML and deploying it as a web app. From that you could have the web app show the appropriate data based on a selection made. You may want to start here: Extending Google Sheets and then look at HTML Service: Create and Serve HTML as a starting point. You can now embed the web app in any web page via an iFrame. This will keep it in a display only mode and the viewer does not need to have permissions to the file as you can run the web app as yourself.