How can I get portlet id in jsp page of it's configuration portlet?
From the level of specific portlet I can call in .jsp page:
String portletId = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getId();
How can I get that id in configuration portlet's jsp?
How can I get portlet id in jsp page of it's configuration portlet?
From the level of specific portlet I can call in .jsp page:
String portletId = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getId();
How can I get that id in configuration portlet's jsp?
hello you can try this :
String portletId = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getId();
String portletName = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getPortletName();
String portletInstanceId = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getInstanceId();
Don't forget:
<% ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
themeDisplay.getUser().getScreenName(); %>