I'm currently planning out the code for a Bluetooth low energy (BLE) device that will operate on the HID over GATT profile from the bluetooth specification. I've read through the HID specification 1.11 and the Usage Tables 1.12, but I can't find anything about the minimum required use of Usage_pages and Usages.
Since we're implementing both the host and device, the plan is to use a vendor defined usage page for our report descriptor, but since our goal is to have fast connections and low power consumption, I don't want to send more bytes than I have to in the report definition phase of HID over GATT. Because of this, I'm considering removing all usages that would normally tag an input/output since they only seem semantic.
Here's a sample of what I'm considering:
Usage_Page( Vendor Defined)
Usage( Vendor 1)
Collection(Logical) ; First Collection and Report
Usage_Page(Button) ; This is what the specification seems to encourage
Usage_Minimum(Button 1)
Usage_Maximum(Button 3)
Logical_Minimum(0) ; Logical limits
Report_Size(3) ; Three bits corresponding to the buttons
Report_Count(1) ; One of the three bit sets
Input( Data, Variable, Absolute) ; Make it an input
Input(Constant) ; Pad the transmitted byte
Collection End
Collection End
When I look at the this, I see a lot of extra bytes that do nothing since I'm not using a native parser. These range from Usages to even logical minimums/maximums. What consequences would there be if I just defined my report descriptor with only the top-level usage and no use of things like logical maximums?