
It is possible in stripe payment gateway?

we will using stripe for payment,firstly i am creating token.

$result = Stripe_Token::create(
                        "card" => array(
                            "name" => $user['name'],
                            "number" => base64decrypt($user['card_number']),
                            "exp_month" => $user['month'],
                            "exp_year" => $user['year'],
                            "cvc" => base64decrypt($user['cvc_number'])

after using token create customer save card.

 $customer = \Stripe\Customer::create(array(
                                "card" => $token,
                                "description" => "New customer",
                                "email" => $users->email

and after create charge.

$charge = \Stripe\Charge::create(
                 array('card' => $token->token,
                                'amount' => $token->amount * 100,
                                'currency' => 'usd',

but i can't find save multiple card in single customer. please help me.


1 Answers


First, you should never create tokens server-side in production. In order to be eligible for PCI SAQ A, you must create the card tokens client-side, using Checkout or Stripe.js.

Once you receive the token on your server, you can use it in a few different manners:

  • you can use it to directly create a charge, without using customer objects at all, by passing the token ID ("tok_...") in the source parameter. In this case the card information will be "lost" and you'll need to collect the information again and create a new token to charge this card again in the future.

  • you can use it to create a new customer.

  • you can use it to add a card to an existing customer.

When creating charges with customer objects, you need to pass the customer's ID ("cus_...") in the customer parameter. If you don't pass a source parameter, then the customer's default card will be used. If you want to charge a non-default card, then in addition to the customer parameter, you'll also need to pass the card's ID ("card_...") in the source parameter.

Cf. this StackOverflow answer.