In many cases, the behavior of QML Camera is strange and some dependencies are not well documented(, yet).
Anyway, following code works for me:
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtMultimedia 5.6
Window {
visible: true
width: 1280
height: 960
GridLayout {
id: grid
rows: 2
columns: 2
Item {
Layout.row: 0
Layout.column: 0
Layout.minimumWidth: 80
Layout.minimumHeight: 30
Button {
id: button
text: "capture"
onClicked: {
camera.viewfinder.resolution = "640x480";
Camera {
id: camera
captureMode: Camera.CaptureViewfinder
viewfinder.resolution: "160x120"
imageCapture {
id: cameracapture
onImageCaptured: {
photoPreview.source = preview // Show the preview in an Image
console.log( "capture size: ", photoPreview.sourceSize );
onCameraStateChanged: {
console.log("camera state changed to: ", cameraState );
if ( cameraState == Camera.ActiveState && viewfinder.resolution == Qt.size(640,480) ) {
function cameraHelper() {
console.log( "Stopping cam..." );
viewfinder.resolution = "160x120";
Timer {
id: timerHelper
interval: 1
onTriggered: camera.cameraHelper();
Item {
width: 640
height: 480
Layout.row: 1
Layout.column: 0
Layout.minimumWidth: 640
Layout.minimumHeight: 480
Image {
width: 640
height: 480
id: photoPreview
Item {
width: 640
height: 480
Layout.row: 1
Layout.column: 1
Layout.minimumWidth: 640
Layout.minimumHeight: 480
VideoOutput {
source: camera
anchors.fill: parent
focus : visible // to receive focus and capture key events when visible
If you want to switch the resolution successfully, you have to stop()
and start()
the Camera
It freezes, if you try to switch the resolution back to (160,120)
in onImageCaptured
, so I used a Timer
to obtain some kind of QueuedConnection