I created MSI using InstallShield and installed a package. Next step I created an update. On the property page of MSI file I had to setup the same "Revision number" as in the original one because otherwise I get message:
Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure ore remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel
But once I double click on new MSI the system actually runs an old one saved in c:\windows\installer. Is there anyway to force the system to run the new MSI file? (I changed the version number, but kept all other UIDs the same)
BTW when I delete "LocalPackage" entry in registry then the system runs new MSI.
Now I tried to create new installation. I changed major version and also Product version. I get error:
A newer version of this application is already installed on this computer. If you wish to install this version, please uninstall the newer version first.