Using Access 2010, I have entry cells for a table that span 5 separate forms, and I have created command buttons on each form to navigate between them, filtering the next form for the ID on the current form. Four of the five command buttons work just fine to filter to the proper form, but the command buttons associated with one form feedback an error message reading:
Reserved Error (-3087); there is no message for this error.
I have used both macros and VBA to navigate between the forms, using either "OpenForm" with a filter on the Where Condition or DoCmd.OpenForm. The Macro looks like:
Open Form Form Name "MyForm" View Form Filter name Where condition =="[ID]=" & [ID] Data mode Window mode Normal Close Window Object Type Form Object Name "CurrentForm" Save No
And the VBA code looks like:
DoCmd.OpenForm _ "MyForm" _ , acNormal, _ , "[ID] = " & [ID] _ , acFormEdit _ , acNormal
The VBA also feedback Runtime Error 3000.
Google searches and searches of stack overflow have yielded nothing helpful. This error seemingly arose for no reason, as the command buttons worked fine before. And all the other command buttons linking to the other forms work just fine.
I'm guessing that the issue stems from the destination form, not the macro or VBA, but I can't seem to figure out a problem with it. I've:
-enabled the database in the Trust Center -tried using a tempVar to filter the form -tried opening a blank form with an "OnLoad" event
(all of which result in the same error 3087)
Any ideas?