I'm trying to upload a blob directly from a stream, since I don't know the length of the stream I decided to try with this answer.
This doesn't work, even though it reads from the stream and doesn't throw any exceptions the content isn't uploaded to my container.
I have no problem uploading from files, it only occurs when uploading from a stream.
This is my code, I added a few outs to check whether it was reading something or not but that wasn't the problem:
try {
CloudBlockBlob blob = PublicContainer.getBlockBlobReference(externalFileName);
if (externalFileName.endsWith(".tmp")) {
BlobOutputStream blobOutputStream = blob.openOutputStream();
int next = input.read();
while (next != -1) {
next = input.read();
return blob.getUri().toString();
} catch (Exception usex) {
System.err.println("ERROR " + usex.getMessage());
return "";
It doesn't fails but it doesn't works.
Is there another way of doing this? Or am I missing something?
UPDATE: I've been checking and I think that the problem is with the InputStream itself, but I don't know why since the same stream will work just fine if I use it to upload to Amazon s3 for instance