I'm trying to use CodeMirror simple mode to create my own editor and highlight some custom keywords. However, it's highlighting occurrences of these words inside other words. Here's my code to define the mode of the editor:
CodeMirror.defineSimpleMode("simple", {
// The start state contains the rules that are intially used
start: [
// The regex matches the token, the token property contains the type
{regex: /["'](?:[^\\]|\\.)*?(?:["']|$)/, token: "string"},
{regex: /;.*/, token: "comment"},
{regex: /\/\*/, token: "comment", next: "comment"},
{regex: /[-+\/*=<>!]+/, token: "operator"},
{regex: /[\{\[\(]/, indent: true},
{regex: /[\}\]\)]/, dedent: true},
//Trying to define keywords here
{regex: /\b(?:timer|counter|version)\b/gi, token: "keyword"} // gi for case insensitive
// The multi-line comment state.
comment: [
{regex: /.*?\*\//, token: "comment", next: "start"},
{regex: /.*/, token: "comment"}
meta: {
dontIndentStates: ["comment"],
lineComment: ";"
When I type in the editor, this is what gets highlighted. I would expect the first two occurrences to be styled, but not the second two.
It's obviously something incorrect with this regular expression:
But I've tried it several different ways and the same pattern works correctly in other regex testers. Example: https://regex101.com/r/lQ0lL8/33 . Any advice?
Edit #1:
Tried this pattern in codemirror definition, dropping the /g but it still yields the same incorrect highlighting.
{regex: /\b(?:timer|counter|version)\b/i, token: "keyword"}
. I don't know if it's the cause of your problem, but it definitely isn't needed. Otherwise, the regex looks fine. – Alan Moore/g
modifier limited my matches here though. – colinwurtztimerNO
? That is, does the\b
at the end work? – Alan Moore{regex: /\b(?:timer|counter|version)\b/i, token: "keyword"}
does not highlighttimerNO
. Does it seem like it's not respecting the/b
at the beginning? – colinwurtz/\b!bar/
won't match anywhere, even infoo!bar
. – Alan Moore