I am writing a script in Excel VBA that runs a search in a country database considering user-inputted criteria. The search is ran out of a UserForm
that considers the user search from three search fields. Apart form the "Country", the user can also narrow the search by mentioning the "Category of Information" and the "Subcategory of Information" it is interested in. All of these fields are ComboBox
that are linked to lists. Some examples of Categories and subcategories are "Geography", "Economic Indicators", "Media", "Population Statistics", among others.
Depending on the criteria provided by the user, the script will either return the search results - if there are any matches with the database - or, alternatively, a MsgBox
advising that the search found no matches. I was wondering if the text presented in the MsgBox
is fixed or if it can be dependent on the user-inputted variables.
To clarify let's take, as an example, a user that is looking for information about the US and runs a search with only this criteria filled. The database has information on the US and returns all information available. Despite all the data, the user specifically wants information concerning media in the US and repeats the search with these two criteria. However, the database has no information specifically on the US and Media. In this case, the script returns a MsgBox
that, as per my code at the moment - which is working fine -, just says that "The database has no information that matches this search".
My question is: can the MsgBox
return a message that is dependent on the user search, i.e., in the example, return something like "There is no information regarding Media in the US"? Thank you very much for your help.
This is the code that runs the search:
country = Sheets("Results").Range("D5").Value
Category = Sheets("Results").Range("D6").Value
Subcategory = Sheets("Results").Range("D7").Value
finalrow = Sheets("Database").Range("A200000").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To finalrow
'If the country field is left empty
If country = "" Then
MsgBox "You must select a country in order to search the database. Please do so in the drop-down list provided."
Exit Sub
'If the country field is filled in and there results from the search made
ElseIf Sheets("Database").Cells(i, 1) = country And _
(Sheets("Database").Cells(i, 3) = Category Or Category = "") And _
(Sheets("Database").Cells(i, 4) = Subcategory Or Subcategory = "") Then
'Copy the headers of the table
With Sheets("Database")
End With
'Copy the rows of the table that match the search query
With Sheets("Database")
.Range(.Cells(i, 1), .Cells(i, 9)).Copy
End With
Sheets("Results").Range("B20000").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulasAndNumberFormats
ElseIf Sheets("Database").Cells(i, 1) = country And _
(Sheets("Database").Cells(i, 3) <> Category) Then
MsgBox "The database has no information that matches this search."
Exit Sub
End If
Next i