
Using Angular2, I have a striped table on my main page that when you click a row it changes color and when clicked again, goes back to the original color. When a row is currently clicked you can delete it. My problem is that when I delete a row that isn't the last row, after that row is deleted the row that was after it has the changed color.

For example, if I click and delete row 2, after deletion of row 2, row 3 is highlighted with the changed color. What I want is for no row to be highlighted after a deletion. Keep in mind that row 3 simply is being shown as clicked by having the highlighted color but in the code no row is programmatically represented as highlighted.

HTML from my main page where the table is (#015939green is my highlight color, even rows are white by default, odd rows are #d3d3d3 grey by default) followed by the tag for the delete button child component with selector deletebutton:


<tr *ngFor="let dPoint of theData; let idx=index; let even=even" (click)="onClick(dPoint, idx)" (row)="received($event)"
      [style.backgroundColor]="clickedRow == idx ? '#015939' : (even ? 'white' : '#d3d3d3')" [style.color]="clickedRow == idx ? 'white' : '#015939'">

<deletebutton [receivedRow]='toSend'></deletebutton>

HTML for the button that deletes the row that was clicked


//this HTML is represented by using deletebutton tag above
<button type="submit" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" (click)="delete()" class="btn icon-trash tableButton"></button>

Typescript function from my main page that emits the row that was clicked:

  selector: 'main-page',
  styleUrls: ['../app.component.css'],
  templateUrl: 'mainpage.component.html'

export class MainPageComponent implements OnInit {

  @Output() row: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>(); 

  onClick(message:DataTable, idx:any){
    let d = message.tDataPoint;
    let i = message.tICCP;
    let s = message.tStartDate;
    let e = message.tEndDate;
    if(this.clickedRow == idx) {
      this.clickedRow = -1;
      this.toSend = null;
    } else {
      this.clickedRow = idx;
      this.toSend = new DataTable(d, i, s, e);

Typescript function to delete the clicked row (a child component of my main page):

 selector: 'deletebutton',
 templateUrl: './deletebutton.component.html',
 styleUrls: ['../app.component.css']
export class DeletebuttonComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() receivedRow:DataTable;

    var count = 0;
    var length = DPS.length;
    if (this.receivedRow != null) {
      for (let entry in DPS) {
        if (DPS[entry].tDataPoint === this.receivedRow.tDataPoint) {
          DPS.splice(parseInt(entry), 1);
        } else if ((count === (length-1)) && (DPS[entry].tDataPoint !== this.receivedRow.tDataPoint)) {
            alert("Please select a row first");
        } else if (count !== length) {
            count = count + 1;

Table before anything is clicked or deleted: enter image description here

Table After row 2 is selected: enter image description here

Table after row 2 is deleted: enter image description here

I need the table to only be white and grey rows after deleting a row. Notice how in the 3rd screenshot, the new row 2 (which used to be row 3) is highlighted

I've tried working with @Input and @Output to somehow send the row that will be highlighted after deletion of the previous row to change this.clickedRow but can't seem to nail down the logic.

Please show more of your templates.. where those two onClick functions are triggered..slaesh
Added the button that triggers the second onClick method to delete the row clicked. The HTML for the first onClick method is already in the first set of HTML. Also included HTML for deletebutton that takes the row that was clicked on as inputDrew13
I don't get how you select and how you delete a row. You just need to set the clickedRow to -1 if the deleted row is the same as clickedRow.Günter Zöchbauer
each tr tag has (click)="onClick(dPoint, idx)" (row)="received($event) to get the row that was clicked and emit it using @Output. The deletebutton uses [receivedRow]='toSend' to get the clicked row as input. This deletebutton is a button which calls the second onClick method using (click)="onClick()". Problem is that after deleted I'm having trouble setting clickedRow back to -1 from the button's onClick function.Drew13
Then my answer should work.Günter Zöchbauer

1 Answers


You don't even need to use deletebutton in mainpage.component.html. Just replace it with the HTML for the button.

<button type="submit" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" (click)="delete()" class="btn icon-trash tableButton"></button>

Then move your delete function from deletebutton Typescript to your mainpage Typescript and add the line this.clickedRow = -1; and change receivedRow to toSend like this

  var count = 0;
  var length = DPS.length;
  if (this.toSend != null) {
    for (let entry in DPS) {
      if (DPS[entry].tDataPoint === this.toSend.tDataPoint) {
        DPS.splice(parseInt(entry), 1);
        this.clickedRow = -1;
        this.deleted = true;
      } else if ((count === (length-1)) && (DPS[entry].tDataPoint !== this.toSend.tDataPoint)) {
        alert("Please select a row first");
      } else if (count !== length) {
        count = count + 1;

This way, after selecting a row and clicking the button, the delete function gets called from the same Typescript instead of having to work between two separate components.