
My app has been universal and has had iPhone storyboard. It works great.

Now I want to run it on iPad. Xcode complained of missing iPad storyboard.

I'm pretty sure that you can just click into the Main_iPad.storyboard and do a CMD+V to paste what you have copied to the clipboard from your original storyboardMSU_Bulldog
Thanks. I had to click around until Paste got enabled. Pasted ok. But got another error (see above).Doug Null
You need to click on your first view controller and there is a checkbox on it that says "initial view controller"... that error should go away once that checkbox is setMSU_Bulldog

1 Answers

  1. I did File > New > User Interface > Storyboard and
  2. named it "Main_iPad.storyboard". (Existing one has been Main.storyboard)
  3. Went in to Main.storyboard > Select All > Copy
  4. Went in to Main_iPad.storyboard and pasted.
  5. Main_iPadStoryboard > select ViewControll > its properties > set "Is Initial View Controller"
  6. Ran it and it works