I have successfully used this recipe in the past to migrate a virtual network including attached VMs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/virtual-machines-linux-cli-migration-classic-resource-manager
But today, and also when I tried last week, no matter the number of reboots, I get this error (Azure CLI):
> azure network vnet prepare-migration "<RG-NAME>"
info: Executing command network vnet prepare-migration
error: BadRequest : Migration is not allowed for HostedService
<CLOUD-SERVICE> because it has VM <VM-NAME> in State :
RoleStateUnknown. Migration is allowed only when the VM is in one of the
following states - Running, Stopped, Stopped Deallocated.
The VM is in fact running smoothly, and so says the Azure portal. So any ideas how to get out of this mess?