
I am very new in xamarin development. Recently I install xamarin with visual studio 2015 in windows 10. I have created a simple project in xamarin android. It build perfectly but when I try to run the project in emulator getting "There were deployment errors, continue?" popup message.

Please check the image.

I have googled and do not get any proper solution. Please help me to solve the problem.

You have to look up the error in the output window (bottom left 2nd tab on your picture)Sven-Michael Stübe
I recently faced this issue but after specific package installation. However, I resolved this issue by defining the package name(lowercase) in project properties. In fact I didn't get any failed log in output window.Nomi Ali

4 Answers


had the same problem on windows 64 bit i'm using the latest android sdk build tools at this moment (v25.0.1) just installed jdk 9 and a 32 bit version of jdk(version 7) due to this link

then changed the jdk path in tools>options>Xamarin>Android settings. restart visual studio. clean and rebuild. that's it.


You may have wrongly selected "target Android version" to version your emulator is running on.

Make sure that these two are aligning.

VS -> (right click on project) -> properties - > Android Manifest (tab) -> Target Android version (drop down)


In my system, I'm using latest Android SDK build tools at this moment(v26.0.1) and Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.7.4.

In Regedit the Android SDK also same Visual Studio tools>options>Xamarin>Android settings. But the problem was same with me.

In my case, I changed the Package Name in Android Manifest then the problem has been solved.

enter image description here


I had this same problem, which I solved by editing the Android emulator on Android Device Manager giving it a processor of both 32 and 64 bits (x86_64).

After doing this, Android Device Manger downloaded and updated the Emulator configuration. After this I was able to run and debug my app with no problems on Android Emulator.