I cant find anything to explain why when calling a SP that does a insert or update depending on if record already exists on a temporal table i get
Data modification failed on system-versioned table 'MYDB.dbo.TemporalExample' because transaction time was earlier than period start time for affected records.
what dose that mean ? It only seems to happen some of the time , i wonder if its because im running multi threaded code and azure sql just doesn't like mutual connections to the same table when its a temporal one ? Im going though entity framework (latest version) but i doubt that's the issue
my sp just this
create PROCEDURE mysp @ID bigint, @a FLOAT, @b NVARCHAR(10), @c DECIMAL(19, 4) AS SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN TRY IF EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM my_Temporal_Table WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE id = @ID AND a = @a AND b = @b) BEGIN UPDATE my_Temporal_Table SET Id = @ID, a = @a, b = @b c = @c DateModified = GETUTCDATE() WHERE Id = @Id END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO my_Temporal_Table (Id, a, b, c, DateModified) VALUES (@ID, @a, @b, @c , GETUTCDATE()) END END TRY BEGIN CATCH DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000), @ErrorSeverity INT, @ErrorState INT SELECT @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(), @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE() -- Use RAISERROR inside the CATCH block to return error -- information about the original error that caused -- execution to jump to the CATCH block. RAISERROR (@ErrorMessage, -- Message text. @ErrorSeverity, -- Severity. @ErrorState -- State. ) END CATCH
Update my temporal table creation script :
CREATE TABLE [Temporal]( [TemporalId] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Payment] [decimal](19, 4) NOT NULL, [DateModified] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, [SysStartTime] [datetime2](7) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START NOT NULL, [SysEndTime] [datetime2](7) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [TemporalId] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([TemporalId] ASC) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON), PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME ([SysStartTime], [SysEndTime]) )WITH( SYSTEM_VERSIONING = ON ( HISTORY_TABLE = [Car2].[TemporalHistory] ) )
can someone explain why i might see this issue, what it means and more importantly how i can fix it ?