I'm using swiper to show some items.
I want to swipe to next item only when a button is clicked, but letting to swipe manually to previous items.
Those are the relevant options related to swiping:
allowSwipeToPrev: Set to false to disable swiping to previous slide direction (to left or top)
allowSwipeToNext: Set to false to disable swiping to next slide direction (to right or bottom)
swipeHandler: String with CSS selector or HTML element of the container with pagination that will work as only available handler for swiping
nextButton: String with CSS selector or HTML element of the element that will work like "next" button after click on it
prevButton: String with CSS selector or HTML element of the element that will work like "prev" button after click on it
If I use swipeHandler
as the button selector, it works as expected, except that I cannot swipe to previous item since it works as only available handler for swiping. No matter what other options I use.
If I set allowSwipeToNext
to false and use nextButton
instead of swipeHandler
, it won't swipe to next item, even when I click the next button.
So the question is: How can I achieve to swipe to next item only with a button and to previous items only manually?