from documentation (What's New In Core Data)
Xcode automatic subclass generation Xcode now supports automatic generation of NSManagedObject subclasses in the modeling tool. In the entity inspector: Manual/None is the default, and previous behavior; in this case you should implement your own subclass or use NSManagedObject. Category/Extension generates a class extension in a file named like ClassName+CoreDataGeneratedProperties. You need to declare/implement the main class (if in Obj-C, via a header the extension can import named ClassName.h). - Class Definition generates subclass files named like ClassName+CoreDataClass as well as the files generated for Category/Extension. The generated files are placed in DerivedData and rebuilt on the first build after the model is saved. They are also indexed by Xcode, so command-clicking on references and fast-opening by filename works.
and no matter what i chose it doesn't get generated.
i'm probably doing something wrong or incomplete, aren't i?