So in my Space Invaders game, all collisions were working perfectly until I added a physics body created from a edgeChainFromPath
which is a single line to represent the ground (an SKShapeNode created from 2 points). Now my invader bombs (which move via SKAction) notify when they hit the ground but my invaders (moved in update()
by manually updating their positions) do not. My ship missiles (also moved by SKAction) DO notify when contacting an invader.
Question : if a physicsBody is moved manually and comes into contact with another physicsBody, is didBeginContact
not called? (All physics interactions - bitMasks, delegates etc - are set correctly). I'm thinking the answer is 'No it's not' because that's the only explanation and makes sense picturing how Sprite/Kit probably works. I.e. A contact occurs when the SK engine itself moves a node and realises that it's physicsBody is being drawn on top of another physicsBody.
Edit - just realised that I have other physicsBodies in my scene that are stationary and that the invaders DO collide with, so it's not an SKAction thing. The difference might be that the new node I've added is an edge-based body belonging to an SKShapeNode, rather than a volume-based body for a SKSPriteNode, but nothing in the documentation that I can find states that this shouldn't work.
New question : Do volume-based bodies being moved manually not collide with stationary edge-based bodies?