
I am trying to import my Service Stack swagger.json into an Azure Api Management instance. Its failing with "One or more fields contain incorrect values: Parsing error(s): The Swagger version specified is unknown."

It seems that Azure API Management requires Swagger 2.0 but Service Stack only outputs Swagger 1.2.

Does anybody have a work around for this? Or know when Service Stack will start supporting Swagger 2.0?

Azure APIM should be able to handle Swagger 1.2. Do you have a sample file I could take a look at?Vitaliy Kurokhtin
I got the same error when adding the API using the URL. When I copied the swagger JSON into the txt box it workedRichard210363
I'm getting this error when using Swagger 2.0 as well. I'm assuming azure just doesn't support the latest versions of swagger, can anyone confirm this?Nicholas J. Markkula

1 Answers


ServiceStack doesn't support Swagger 2.0, you can vote for this feature request to get notified of updates.

Swagger spec has had multiple breaking changes over the years and the latest effort seems to now be rolled into https://www.openapis.org - we're waiting until this effort matures to see if it replaces Swagger 2.0 before commencing any rewrites that support it.