
I know this has been asked many time and i have seen that questions's answer too but dont know what i am missing. it would be great if you guys can look into it

successfully installed svn - from this tutorial


my httpd.conf file

LoadModule dav_svn_module     modules/mod_dav_svn.so
LoadModule authz_svn_module   modules/mod_authz_svn.so

Alias /svn /var/www/svn

<Location /svn>
   DAV svn
   SVNParentPath /var/www/svn
   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "Subversion User Authentication "
   AuthUserFile /etc/svn-users
   Require valid-user

also i created svn in var/ folder and it was giving that same error ( Redirect cycle detected for URL) and still when i created in var/www/ it is also giving the same error.

Anyone can answer this question?I got the same problem too.Nere

1 Answers


I have the same error message but for a different (unknown) reason.

What I have seen is that you cannot have svn as a subdirectory of your normal web server DocumentRoot. Your /var/www/svn looks as if it might be in this category if your Apache is configured to serve from /var/www

But my svn is in /var/lib/svn, well away from /var/www/html, and I'm still getting this error message, as are lots of other people.