I'm trying to use Spark to convert a bunch of csv files to parquet, with the interesting case that the input csv files are already "partitioned" by directory. All the input files have the same set of columns. The input files structure looks like :
I'd like to read those files with Spark and write their data to a parquet table in hdfs, preserving the partitioning (partitioned by input directory), and such as there is a single output file per partition. The output files strucutre should look like :
The best solution I have found so far is to loop among the input directories, loading the csv files in a dataframe and to write the dataframe in the target partition in the parquet table. But this not efficient since I want a single output file per partition, the writing to hdfs is a single tasks that blocks the loop. I wonder how to achieve this with a maximum of parallelism (and without shuffling the data in the cluster).
Thanks !