I have a Windows universal UWP app that I am using Pivot on to give me the ability to swipe from page to page for navigation. Let's say I have three UI pages (page1, page2 and page3), I then have three PivotItems, one for each. The question is, inside of the PivotItem, I currently have a Frame in each and am using the Frame to show the UI page. This is working, however, this seems redundant because as I understand it, a Frame is used to dynamically show content such as a UI. It seems that you would have EITHER buttons or links for the tabs in a grid and then use one frame to rotate the UI views depending on which button is clicked OR you would use pivot, which I am doing. Main reason I chose pivot, I am targeting mobile and I do want to be able to swipe from page to page.
So, what I don't know is, when using pivot, what do I put in each PivotItem? Is a frame on each correct? Or should I use some other item like UIElement?