
I have a custom theme running Wordpress 4.6.1. I have a separated subdomain for my blog on the site, http://example.com/blog. None of my blog posts are showing the author.

I have tried installing various different plugins, but there seems to be a coding issue with the theme that does not automatically display the author's name on each post. My posts show the date and title, but no author name. What code do I need to utilize to display the author name?

This question is better fit in wordpress.stackexchange.com about your question, you might want to check codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/the_authorAlvaro
Thanks for the information. I was unaware of the wordpress.stackexchange.com site. Any future questions on wordpress I will post there.user3490954
No problem:) Next time try to post some code related to the question, so it is more easy to find out where the problem is.Alvaro

1 Answers


I think you will need to add

<?php the_author(); ?> 

to your template file.

Reference the WordPress codex for guidance - https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/the_author

Hope this helps!