
Im trying to use a component which changes the years of experience with a programming language. ir order to do so i use a couple of buttons to add and subtract the years, and a 'tech' prop to pass the language. i.e: PHP, JS, etc.

<script type="text/template" id="years_template">
    <p>How mane years of experience with {{ tech }} do you have?</p>

        Answer: <strong>{{ years }}</strong>

        <button type="button"

        <button type="button"
                :disabled="years == 0"

My global variables are years_php and years_JS, and im trying to reuse the component "years-exp" so each one changes each global variable. I manage to do one of them by following this tutorial. However, when i wanted to reuse the years-exp component with just one emit and listen event, it always modified years_php variable, so i had to use a 'test' prop and check its value for different cases, here is my years-exp component:

Vue.component('years-exp', {
    template: '#years_template',
      return {
        years : 0
      'years': function(years, oldYears){
        console.log('years changed from %s to %s', oldYears, years)
        switch (this.test) {
          case "years_php":
            bus.$emit('PHPyears-changed', years);
          case "years_js":
            bus.$emit('JSyears-changed', years);
    methods: {
        add: function () {
        sub: function () {
    props: ['test','tech']

And add the following code to my Vue instance:

created: function () {
      // store this to use with Vue.set
      var temp = this;
      bus.$on('PHPyears-changed', function (years) {
        Vue.set(temp, 'years_php', years);
        //Vue.set(temp, 'years_js', years)
      bus.$on('JSyears-changed', function (years) {
        Vue.set(temp, 'years_js', years);
        //Vue.set(temp, 'years_js', years)

And here i insert them in html:

    <years-exp test="years_php" tech="PHP"></years-exp>
    <years-exp test="years_js" tech="JS"></years-exp>

Is there another way to do this in Vue.JS 2+ ?


1 Answers


VueJS 2 uses an event pattern to handle parent-child communication. So basically, in order to have communication between child and parent you don't necessarily need a bus. You can do the following:

//your re-usable component code
this.$emit('years-changed', years);

//your component that uses <years-exp> (parent of years-exp)
<years-exp test="years_php" tech="PHP" @years-changed="handleYearsChanged"></years-exp>

   //here you receive exactly the value you sent via $emit in child

In case you need to send the event to a component above the parent in hierarchy then you would have to use the bus but for parent-child communication you can use this pretty simple pattern.