A Meteor app needs to run in a docker container, when unzipping the myApp.tar.gz
which is produced by myApp$ meteor build .
, there exists a bundle/README
file with the following contents:
This is a Meteor application bundle. It has only one external dependency: Node.js 4.4.7 or newer. To run the application:
$ (cd programs/server && npm install)
$ export MONGO_URL='mongodb://user:password@host:port/databasename'
$ export ROOT_URL='http://example.com'
$ export MAIL_URL='smtp://user:password@mailhost:port/'
$ node main.js
Does that mean that no need to have the following line in a Dockerfile?RUN npm install fibers underscore source-map-support semver
And all what is needed in a Dockerfile is:
FROM lambdalinux/baseimage-amzn:2016.09-000
COPY ./bundle /opt/
WORKDIR /opt/bundle/programs/server/
RUN npm install
VOLUME ./bundle:/opt/bundle
CMD node ./main.js
And if any of the contents of the /bundle changes, that will automatically apply to the running app on the browser?