
I have an Amazon EC2 server running Apache 2.4. I am running one website on there using Python and regular CGI, and then another virtual host using mod_wsgi and an index.wsgi script. When I use a default WSGI callable class object script in my wsgi file, it works fine. However, if I use a WSGI-compatible framework like Flask or Bottle, it loads and works perfectly for about a minute, and then suddenly gives an error 503 ON BOTH OF MY SITES. Even if I change my script back to the default, this error persists for about 5 minutes and then it starts working again. I am using mod_wsgi with the usual daemon mode. Please help. I am using RedHat Linux, Apache 2.4, Python 2.7, and the latest flask and mod_wsgi.

EDIT: Here's my site-specific apache .conf file

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName ihave.nolife.lol
    WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/ihave/index.wsgi
    WSGIDaemonProcess ihave user=apache group=apache processes=1 threads=5
    <Directory /var/www/ihave>
            Require all granted
            WSGIProcessGroup ihave
            WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}      
    ErrorLog /var/www/html/ihave/errorlog
    LogLevel debug
    CustomLog /var/www/html/ihave/requests combined


1 Answers


Not enough information. But at a guess it is because you are using some third party Python packages which use a C extension module which will not work in sub interpreters. Read the following and set that directive. Also recommended that you make sure you are using daemon mode and not embedded mode.