I am new to Polymer and I am stuck on setting the database data. I manged to make email authentication work and I need to save user data after user creation. I initialize the app with firebase-app element.
Here is the important part:
this.$.auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, pass).then(function (user) {
var view = document.getElementById("r_view");
firebase.database().ref('/user/' + user['uid']).set({
name: view.name,
surname: view.surName
}).catch(function (err) {
User is successfully created but the user data won't get saved and
firebase.database is not a function"
error is thrown. I guess it's because I don't have access to firebase.database
function in the scope. I found many ways how to solve the issue using pure JavaScript, but I'm not sure what is the official "Polymer way".
EDIT: I still can't get it to work. i managed to get a reference of app object but it seems like there is no database method available. I wrote a simple function for debugging:
debugFunction: function () {
if (!!this.user) {
var fb = this.$.auth.app;
console.log(!!fb); // Output is true,
var database = fb.database();
I get the "Uncaught TypeError: fb.database is not a function(…)" once more.
Thanks in advance, Jan