
Thanks in advance for reading this.

Unable to create a vNext Build for a composite SQL Server database project (that has a database reference). The Build is to push code from our on-premise TFS to a Dev database.

We're using VS 2015 Update 3 to create the SQL Server database project and we've TFS 2015 update 2.

In the SQL Server database project let's say you added a database reference called MyReference.dacpac (and the referenced dacpac sits in another TFS folder in the same Team Project):

How source control in TFS looks like:

-- MyTeam
 ---- DEV
  ------ Database
  ------ Common (where referenced dacpac is located)
  ------ BuildTest.Database

The vNext build error is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\SSDT\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.SqlTasks.targets(550,5): Error SQL72027: File "E:\Root\TFS2015\Dev\Database\Common\MyReference.dacpac" does not exist.

Here's part of the build definition:

enter image description here

Would appreciate any help!

Where does E: come from - is that the drive that the build agent is using, or could that be a local path a developer has checked in?DaveShaw
@DaveShaw, E drive I believe is on the build server that the build agent is using. Thanks!scv
Does the project build successfully locally?Cece Dong - MSFT
@Cece-MSFT, yes, it builds successfully.scv
Can you check the "Mappings" setting under "Repository" tab of your build definition to see if the "Common" folder is included? And also check the logs to see if the file is downloaded during the Get Source Step.Eddie Chen - MSFT

1 Answers


To narrow down the issue, please try the items below:

  1. Check whether the MyReference.dacpac under path E:\Root\TFS2015\Dev\Database\Common on your build agent machine

  2. Log on to your build agent machine, and run the project manually with MSBuild command line, to check the result.

  3. Check how do you reference MyReference.dacpac locally, and check the source directory on your build agent machine to see whether the structure of the project is the same as local.