
I've generated three different custom post types (e.g. books, movies, games). And I've a custom taxonomy for all of them (e.g. genre).

What I need are archives for the taxanomy based on the post types. For example: "books-genre", "movies-genre"...

Is there any solution to do that? Now I've only the taxonomy archive for "genre".

So you want all the taxonomy archive to have three sections (books, movies, games).serraosays
not exactly. that's what I've already done. I want a taxonomy archive for every post type. For example: only science fiction books. And I want to have own URLs for these archives like: /book-genre/science-fiction/Cray
Ok, then you just want custom post type archives with permalink modifications. It's really a two part question then: do you need help setting up custom post type archives or help setting up the permalink structure?serraosays
I think first it's about custom post type archivesCray
I know how to generate custom post type archives. the problem is the combination with the taxonomyCray

1 Answers


The way I like to approach custom post archives is to create a custom archive template with WP_Query sections where I need them. You'd create the blank file in the root of your theme at archive-cptnamehere.php.

You might have some template partials to add in but the core of the page looks like this:

    // 1- Get ID of the page's path by URL (reliable)
    $pagePath = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $pageObject = get_page_by_path($pagePath);
    $pagePathID = $pageObject->ID;

    // 2- Print page title
    $teamPageTitle = get_the_title($pagePathID);
    echo $teamPageTitle;

    // 3 - Do a query that gets the data you need
    // Args: -1 shows all locations, orders locations alphabetically by title, orders locations a-z, only query against team items
    $args = array(
      'posts_per_page' => -1,
      'orderby' => 'title',
      'order' => 'ASC',
      'post_type' => 'team',
      'meta_query'  => array(
         'key'          => 'team_page_categorization',
         'value'        => $team_page_categorization_options_array_item,
         'compare'  => 'LIKE'
    $the_query = new WP_Query( $args );

    // 4- Setup query while loop
    if($the_query->have_posts()) {
      while($the_query->have_posts()) {

        // 5- Do what you need to inside the loop

      // 6- Close it all up, don't forget to reset_postdata so you can do additional queries if necessary!    