this is a question how to override themable items in Drupal 6.
According to the book "Pro Drupal Development", we can override themable items in two ways:
- overriding via Theme functions
- overriding via Template files
So for example, in order to reformat the breadcrumb, I can:
- via function theme_breadcrumb($breadcrumb)
- via breadcrumb.tpl.php
But on my local testing server, the second approach (i.e. via template file) is not working! I see no breadcrumbs at all, while the first approach works fine.
Any idea how could this happen? any special settings I need to configure my Drupal?
My custom theme "greyscale":
- breadcrumb.tpl.php
- node.tpl.php
- page.tpl.php
- style.css
- template.php
relevant file contents:
* template.php:
function phptemplate_preprocess_breadcrumb(&$variables) {
$variables['breadcrumb_delimiter'] = '#';
- breadcrumb.tpl.php: