
I am building a store so i could learn laravel. Like most stores, users can add items to a cart but cannot checkout until they register. How do i have the same route return a user name when authorized and a nothing when an authorized. This seemed very easy to me at first:

  Nothing || or login/register buttons
  {{ Auth::user()->name }}

That works well when you have content that should only be visible to loyal users but for a store, you need users to see whats there to offer.

The problem is that, in my home controller, i need to add middleware auth in the constructor function so that Route::get('/',HomeController@index); returns a view and in the view use @if(Auth::guest()) ..., but adding this middleware means this route is not accessible if the user is not Authenticated and without it you get this issue.

So how do i have the same root route with Authenticated user data(if authenticated) without blocking the route from unauthenticated users?

Dont put auth middleware on any public route, use the @if @else block as mentioned in your question. Im not sure what you question is really, The issue in the question you linked is about a different middleware, webSteve
I dont fully get what you mean? Auth::check()? will check to see if the user is authenticated?Birdy
@Birdy & @Steve , yes, but won't work if the route doesn't have auth middleware. If you are on ebay, go to ebay, the url is ebay.com, login the url is signin.ebay.com/... , after login the url is ebay.com and not ebay.com/home or ebay.com/authenticated-user. The default laravel auth that comes with php artisan make:auth works if you have public data and auth only data. In this case, all data is public but a user may own an account to get more access e.g checkoutuser3533087
Without auth middleware, blade doesn't have data from Auth facade and with the middleware, those routes have restricted accessuser3533087
What you are trying to achieve will be very simple however i don't quite understand exactly what you mean, IT sounds to mean like you are over complicating a simple solution and that is what is causing me to not quite understand what you mean so maybe someone else can help you out @Steve is more advanced than myself :) - To me it sounds like you already know the answer by using the if else statement because Auth is available in all views without.Birdy

1 Answers


If i am understanding what you are asking (Though i believe i dont quite fully get what you mean).

You want to use the Auth::user() or Auth::check() throughout your views? This should be available out of the box especially when you have used php artisan make:auth.

One way to achieve this would be to use view->share() in a service provider on the boot method, This will then make the $user variable or $isSignedIn variable available in all views.

For example in your App\Providers\AppServiceProvider

namespace App\Providers;

use App\User;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        view()->share('isSignedIn', Auth::check());
        view()->share('user', Auth::user() ?: new User());

     * Register any application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()

If this is not going to help let me know and i can help towards getting the outcome you need.

- Update

On your HomeController can you try:

use App\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

and in your index() method can you add:

$user = Auth::user();
$user = new User();
// or you can use:
$user = Auth::guest();

// If you use $user = Auth::guest() you can remove the Use App\User;


return view('home', compact('user'));

See if that does anything for you?