i am trying to run scollector from bosun.
after I run the scolector, It cannot show me the memory information, but CPU information was right.
this CODE:
Host = "http://localhost:8070"
DisableSelf = true
Freq = 60
Filter = ["snmp-generic", "snmp-ifaces"]
Community = "test"
Host = "name"
MIBs = [ "devicename"]
product = "fw"
BaseOid = "."
Metric = "os.cpu"
Oid = "."
Unit = "percent"
RateType = "gauge"
Metric = "os.mem.used"
Oid = "."
Unit = "bytes"
RateType = "gauge"
**2016/11/07 17:24:42 error: interval.go:64: snmp-generic-name-fw: asn1: structure error: tags don't match (2 vs {class:0 tag:4 length:11 isCompound:false}) {optional:false explicit:false application:false defaultValue:<nil> tag:<nil> stringType:0 timeType:0 set:false omitEmpty:false} @2**
2016/11/07 17:24:43 info: queue.go:90: {"metric":"os.cpu","timestamp":1478539482,"value":2,"tags":{"host":"name","product":"fw"}}