Not sure if this applies to R2012b, but on my R2010a, the class sym
has a disp
method, which is run when displaying your little function (and of course, all sym
objects). Here is the relevant code:
allstrs = mupadmex(X.s,0);
allstrs = strrep(allstrs,'MLVar','');
where X
is the sym
object, and s
is a private
property thereof.
The function mupadmex()
is, as the name implies, a MEX binary. The corresponding M-code contains this:
% MUPADMEX(STMT) executes STMT in MuPAD. STMT must be a string or cell
% array of strings. A cell array is converted into a MuPAD matrix or array.
% Y = MUPADMEX(STMT) executes STMT in MuPAD and returns the result as
% sym object Y. STMT must be a string or cell array of strings. If STMT
% is a cell Y is a string reference instead of a sym.
% Y = MUPADMEX(FCN,ARG1,ARG2, ...) evaluates FCN(ARG1,ARG2,...). The inputs
% must be strings.
% Y = MUPADMEX(... ,0) returns Y as a string instead of a sym.
% Y = MUPADMEX(REF ,1) adds REF to the garbage list.
% Y = MUPADMEX(STMT,2) frees any garbage.
% Y = MUPADMEX(VAL ,3) formats VAL as 'symr'.
% Y = MUPADMEX(VAL ,4) formats VAL as 'symfl'.
% Y = MUPADMEX(VAL ,5) toggles the trace feature. VAL must be 'on' or 'off'.
% Y = MUPADMEX(STMT,6) resets MuPAD.
% Y = MUPADMEX(VAL ,7) toggles the pretty-print feature.
% Y = MUPADMEX(VAL ,8) sets the complex unit. VAL is 'I' or 'sqrtmone'.
% Y = MUPADMEX(... ,9) returns Y as a logical instead of a sym.
% Y = MUPADMEX(VAL ,10) toggles the synchronous evaluation mode (out-of-process kernel only).
% Y = MUPADMEX(... ,11) returns Y as a string reference.
% Y = MUPADMEX(VAL ,12) print out memory usage
% Y = MUPADMEX(VAL ,13) toggles lazy evaluation mode
% Y = MUPADMEX(VAL ,14) evaluates all the lazy statements
% [Y,STATUS] = ... sets STATUS to 0 if the command completes without error
% and otherwise sets STATUS to 1 and Y to the error string.
As you can see, it says nothing about formatting the string.
So, in short, you can do the following:
- You'd have to alter the toolbox code
Write a display wrapper like this:
function disp_sym(X)
str = evalc('X');
str = regexp(str, '=', 'split');
fml = strtrim(str{2});
eq = str{1};
fml = regexp(fml, '*', 'split');
fml = fml(end:-1:1);
disp( [eq '=' sprintf('%s*', fml{1:end-1}) fml{end}]);
But, that gets fugly, overly specific and non-portable really quickly.