
What is the best way to use MVVM Light and Entity framework ?

  1. I was create MVVM Light project.
  2. I was add entity DB to Model folder. (DB.edmx)
  3. I was add to MainWindow.xaml DataGrid and textbox.
  4. What is next step for example to show user name in textbox or all data in DataGrid? Where I need add this logic? dc.Employees.FirstOrDefault(s => s.EmployeesId == employeesId); or dc.Employees() I need use "Model" or "Modelview" folder to add my logic?

I found some tutorial, but there are too difficult logic 2 time need create GetEmployees and ect. http://www.dotnetcurry.com/wpf/1037/mvvm-light-wpf-model-view-viewmodel http://dotnetpattern.com/mvvm-light-toolkit-example


1 Answers


In ViewModel folder you would have a class EmployeeViewModel. This is what you need to build, and you don't care where that data comes from.

So you can have another class ( EmployeeDataService ) that creates the EmployeeViewModel. This is an intermediary class, that neither belongs in the ViewModel, nor the Model folder. You can place it in a folder like 'DataServices'.

In Model you can have a method that returns an Employee:

    public Employee GetEmployee(){
        return dc.Employees.FirstOrDefault(s => s.EmployeesId == employeesId);

Then, in DataServices\EmployeeDataService.cs you can have:

public EmployeeViewModel GetEmployeeViewModel(id){
     Employee employeeModel = ModelClass.GetEmployee(id);
     EmployeeViewModel employeeVm = ' ..code to build an EmployeeViewModel from employeeModel
     return employeeVm;