I'm trying to retrofit Application Insights into an existing app but no matter what I do, I can only seem to get telemetry back from the front end:
(note "Add Application Insights SDK..." banner, "No data" warning, apparently 0ms for all server responses and 0 server requests - the little blue semi-circle on server response times is just the current selected point)
I've installed v2.1.0 of the following nuget packages:
and added my instrumentation key to the ApplicationInsights.config file:
<InstrumentationKey>{my key here}</InstrumentationKey>
I've also monitored the events going through ETW and I see plenty of messages suggesting that data is getting logged although there are also quite a lot of messages saying:
but not sure if that's a problem or not?
To confuse things a little further, some server-side data does seem to be getting through since the application map looks like this:
I've also tried installing the Application Insights Agent on the box, but that made absolutely no difference that I could see!
There appear to be a number of similar questions out there, but they all seem to have no resolution, the resolution is to remove and re-add the nuget packages (tried) or there were multiple ApplicationInsights.config files (checked and there aren't)...
N.B. this app is usually running on a VM in AWS EC2, but there are no firewall rules blocking any outbound traffic and I've also tried running it locally...