I'm following tutorial on http://martinabbott.azurewebsites.net/2016/06/11/fun-with-azure-functions-and-the-emotion-api/ Finally got solvet issue with blob trigger. I have verified that my jpg file can be succesfully processed with my API key in the Open API Test console. I have upload project.json file include dependancies to "Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Emotion": "1.0.251"
I'm getting now error. How to solve?
2016-11-07T06:53:44.951 C# Blob Emotion function processed: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlockBlob 2016-11-07T06:53:45.076 Function completed (Failure, Id=c0c50024-7830-4595-b749-56f58ec79d0b) 2016-11-07T06:53:45.107 Exception while executing function: Functions.BlobTriggerEmotionFunction. Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Common: Exception of type 'Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Common.ClientException' was thrown.