Context processors are better suited at handling more dynamic object data--they're defined as a mapping in the documentation and in many of the posts here they're being modified or passed around to views--it doesn't make sense that a template may lose access to global information because, for example, your forgot to use a specialized context processor in the view. The data is global by definition & that couples the view to the template.
A better way is to define a custom template tag. This way:
- templates aren't relying on views to have global information passed into them
- it's DRY-er: the app defining the global settings can be exported to many projects, eliminating common code across projects
- templates decide whether they have access to the global information, not the view functions
In the example below I deal with your problem--loading in this MIN_TIME_TEST variable--and a problem I commonly face, loading in URLs that change when my environment changes.
I have 4 environments--2 dev and 2 production:
- Dev: django-web server, url: localhost:8000
- Dev: apache web server: url: -> resolves to
- Prod sandbox server, url:
- Prod server: url:
I do this on all my projects & keep all the urls in a file, so it's accessible from code. I define a custom template tag {% site_url %} that can be (optionally) loaded into any template
I create an app called global_settings, and make sure it's included in my settings.INSTALLED_APPS tuple.
Django compiles templated text into nodes with a render() method that tells how the data should be displayed--I created an object that renders data by returnning values in my based on the name passed in.
It looks like this:
from django import template
import global_settings
class GlobalSettingNode(template.Node):
def __init__(self, settingname):
self.settingname = settingname;
def render(self, context):
if hasattr(global_settings, self.settingname):
return getattr(global_settings, self.settingname)
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%s tag does not exist' % self.settingname)
Now, in I register a couple tags: site_url for my example and min_test_time for your example. This way, when {% min_time_test %} is invoked from a template, it'll call get_min_time_test which resolves to load in the value=5. In my example, {% site_url %} will do a name-based lookup so that I can keep all 4 URLs defined at once and choose which environment I'm using. This is more flexible for me than just using Django's built in settings.Debug=True/False flag.
from django import template
from templatenodes import GlobalSettingNode
register = template.Library()
DEV_DJANGO_SITE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/'
def get_site_url(parser, token):
return GlobalSettingNode(CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT)
def get_min_time_test(parser, token):
return GlobalSettingNode('MIN_TIME_TEST')
register.tag('site_url', get_site_url)
register.tag('min_time_test', get_min_time_test)
Note that for this to work, django is expecting to be located in a python packaged called templatetags under your Django app. My Django app here is called global_settings, so my directory structure looks like:
Finally the template chooses whether to load in global settings or not, which is beneficial for performance. Add this line to your template to expose all the tags registered in
{% load global_settings %}
Now, other projects that need MIN_TIME_TEST or these environments exposed can simply install this app =)