I'm new to angular (and an aspiring junior dev), and I can't get ui-router's ui-sref to generate an href.
The code isn't pretty, but it works without .state('names.new'). I'm getting from .state('names') to .state('names.medals') fine. Everything retrieves and populates via express/mongo smoothly.
The goal is to create an anchor tag with ui-sref that will direct the user to '/#/names/:names/new', which is a simple form.html page.
(Note: This build is heavily based on CodeSchool's tutorial/repo here: https://github.com/codeschool/OlympicsMEAN.)
Here are my states:
"use strict";
var angular = require('angular');
var uiRouter = require('angular-ui-router');
var app = angular.module('showNames', ["ui.router"]);
app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){
//Default page load
.state('names', {
resolve: {
namesProvider: function ($http){
return $http.get('/names');
controller: 'namesController'
.state('names.medals', {
url: '/:names',
templateUrl: 'views/namesName.html',
resolve: {
nameService: function($http, $stateParams){
return $http.get('/names/' + $stateParams.names);
controller: 'athleteController'
.state('names.new', {
url: '/:names/new',
templateUrl: 'views/newMedals.html',
controller: 'newMedalCtrl'
And here are my controllers:
app.controller('namesController', ['namesProvider', '$scope', function(namesProvider, $scope) {
$scope.names = namesProvider.data;
app.controller('athleteController', ['nameService', '$scope', function(nameService, $scope) {
$scope.athlete = nameService.data;
app.controller('newMedalCtrl', ['$stateParams', '$scope', function($scope, $stateParams) {
$scope.urlParamVal = $stateParams.names
For reference, this .json object is returned from .state('names') 's resolved GET request.
Return object:
"name": "Michael Phelps",
"goldMedals": [{
"Year" : 2012,
"Event" : "400m-Fly",
"Location" : "London, England"
}, {
"Year" : 2012,
"Event" : "200m-Fly",
"Location" : "London, England"
}, {
"Year" : 2016,
"Event" : "200m-Breast Stroke",
"Location" : "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil"
Here are my templates:
/views/namesNav.html :
<li ng-repeat="name in names">
//this anchor tag works just fine
<a ui-sref="names.medals({name : name})"> {{ name }}</a>
<div ui-view></div>
/views/namesName.html :
<h3>{{athlete.name}}'s Gold Medals</h3>
<table class="table">
<th> Event </th>
<th> Year </th>
<th> Location </th>
<tr ng-repeat="medal in athlete.goldMedals">
//This isn't generating anything
<a ui-sref="names.new({names : urlParamVal})"> New Medal Form </a>
I hope I've provided everything needed to solve this problem.
Even after reading quite a bit of angular's documentation and walkthroughs, I think I have a fundamental misunderstanding of $scope, controllers, and how properties/services can be passed from one state to another and/or inherited from parent/grandparent states.
If you have resources (articles, courses, videos, tutorials, projects, books) that will help me grow, I'd greatly appreciate them.
Thanks so much for the help!