
I have created Interactive Report based on a table. I want to generate customized column heading using page items to be displayed in UI.

I have Page item P1_ITEM1 (source: "SQL Query returning single row").

I have used above mentioned item in Heading Space in Report Attribute of IR as &P1_ITEM1. for a column.

But when I am running the report, I am getting blank/null headings, no name.

Please help me on this issue.

Oracle DB: 11.2g; APEX Version: 4.2


1 Answers


I think it's because SQL query for P1_ITEM1 runs after heading of Interactive Report rendering.

Try to move your item before IR region or create PL/SQL process (point - Before Region)

  FROM ...
 WHERE ...;

and reset Source Type for P1_ITEM1 to Static Assignement. I tried both methods, it's working.

APEX 5 example link https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=54028:3:10869386854547::YES but also working on APEX 4.