This is a macOS app, using Core Data, no Documents, and no Storyboards. I'm trying to use NSArrayControllers & bindings to display my data.
The data model 2 entities: Book (which has attributes like author, title, blurb), and Chapters (which has attributes like title)
The two entities are connected with a one-to-many relationship:
Book.chapters <—>>
The app can have multiple books, which it shows in a tableView. Simple enough. I have an Array Controller set up in XCode called "Books Array Controller". I set its Entity as "Book" and check the "prepares content".
It's a master-detail, where one of the properties on the detail is an array to be shown in its own table. And this is what's giving me problems.
I bind the Books Array Controller as follows:
1. The managedObjectContext is bound to Delegate's self.managedObjectContext.
2. The bookListTableView has its Table Content > content bound to "Books Array Controller" controller key = arrangedObjects.
3. And then for each column in the table, I select the textViewCell and bind its value to the "Table Cell View" model key path = objectValue.title,, etc.
4. I have a textView that the "blurb" (attributed string) of the selected book by binding Attributed String to "Books Array Controller" controller key = selection, model key path = blurb.
All of this works just fine.
But I'm having a lot of problems trying to figure out how to display the chapter list in another table. I've tried creating another Array Controller called "Chapters Controller". I set its Entity as "Chapter" and check the "prepares content".
I bind the Chapters Controller as follows:
1. The managedObjectContext is bound to Delegate's self.managedObjectContext. (just like for the other one)
2. The Controller Content > content set is bound to "Books Array Controller" controller key = selection, model key path = chapters.
3. I bind the table's content to the "Chapters Controller" controller key = selection, model key path = chapters.
4. And then for each column in the table, I select the textViewCell and bind its value to the "Table Cell View" model key path = objectValue.title, etc.
Nothing ever shows in that 2nd table, the one for the chapter list. Not even a bunch of "Table View Cell" things. It's empty. I've tried a bunch of variations I won't bore you with. There's clearly something I'm missing. Any help?
The app correctly makes its Book objects, and the Books appear to correctly make their Chapter objects.
Update: I've attempted to follow Willeke's advice and am still not doing it right.
Here are the bindings...