My situation is as follows:
Google Account A has some data in BigQuery.
Google Account B manages Account A's BigQuery data, and has also been given editor privileges for Account A's Cloud Platform project.
Account B has a Sheet in Google Drive that has some cool reference data in it. Account B logs into the BQ Web console, and creates a table in Account A's BQ project that is backed by this sheet.
All is well. Account B can query and join to this table successfully within Account A's BQ data from the web UI.
Google Account A also has a service account that is an editor for Google Account A's Cloud Platform Project. This service account manages and queries the data in BQ using the python google-cloud API. When this service account attempts to query the reference table that is backed by Account B's GDrive Sheet, the job fails with this error:
Encountered an error while globbing file pattern. JobID: "testing_gdrivesheet_query_job1"
Near as I can tell this is actually an authentication issue. How can I give Account A's service account appropriate access to Account B's GDrive so it can access that reference table?
Bonus Points: Is there any performance difference between a table backed by a GDrive Sheet vs a native BQ table?