General context:
I have developed a fairly large Navier-Stokes (finite difference) solver written in FORTRAN90. It has adaptive grids (hence load-balance issue), and I have tried various techniques (MPI, OpenMP & OpenMP-MPI hyrbid) to parallelize it. However, it does not scale good enough i.e. according to Amdahl's law it runs 96-97% of the computations in parallel. Also, the general size of the mesh is a couple of hundred million points, which would require to increase later in the future.
Now, I am thinking of switching to Julia, since it has become very tedious to maintain and add further functionalities to the existing code.
The problem is that I am unable to find a good answer about the parallel performance of Julia. I have searched on the internet as well as have watched a lot of youtube videos. What I have noticed is that most people say that Julia is very much suitable for the parallel computing, some even provide a bar chart showing the reduction in the elapsed time compared to the serial code. However, some of the answers/videos are quite old, which make them a little unreliable due to the growing nature of this new language.
Therefore, I would like to know if the language has the ability to scale even for a few thousand cores?
Extra information:
I am still trying hard to improve the speedup of my existing code to achieve almost linear performance for a couple of thousand cores. The solver needs to exchange overlapping points 3-4 times per timestep. Hence, it involves a huge communication overhead. However, the non-adaptive grid version of the code easily scales up to 20k cores.
I have also read somewhere that Julia does not use InfiniBand standard for data communication in parallel.