I have developed a website based on Joomla 2.5 and I wish to make it mobile friendly, without changing (or changing as less as possible) the desktop version of my website.
So I have installed Joomla Mobile component. This component allows activating dynamically a different template (w.r.t the one that is used on desktop), when detecting a mobile device.
By default, the template that is activated when detecting a mobile is "Mobile_basic". This is a simple and really nice template, but the problem is that it doesn't support some menu positions, which are used by the desktop template. So the result is that some menu items are not displayed on mobile device.
I give an example for better clarification: my website uses a menu that is placed in "right" position. But the "Mobile_basic" template doesn't have this position. It has instead other positions called "mj_top", "mj_top2"...
The possible solutions could be:
1) Find a way to instruct Joomla to show a menu item in a different position, depending on the template which is used at that moment
2) Create new positions which are valid both desktop and mobile templates
Has anybody some better idea to solve my task?
Best regards Alberto