
I have 2 apps deployed in our MFP server (see attached screenshot). The 1st app is working fine but the 2nd app is having issue during launch wherein device authentication is failing. In xcode console, error I am getting is 'DeviceAuth: Can't find variable: require'

On the MFP console, I can see that both apps are sharing the list of devices provisioned.

Question is, are we allowed to deploy more than 1 app in an MFP server using the same configuration DB?

The reason for having 2 separate app is we want to maintain the 1st app as BAU and the 2nd app is for the next phase of the project.

Thank you n advance.

MFP Console Screenshot



2 Answers


This issue can be fixed by eliminating/avoiding same identification of the apps namely; App Id, Display Name and Bundle Id... these entries cannot be identical on both apps.


The error you've provided on its own is not enough... if the app is not working, then provide server logs and clients logs, explain when and how it is failing and so on...

Question is, are we allowed to deploy more than 1 app in an MFP server using the same configuration DB?

The MobileFirst Server is capable of handling multiple runtimes - as can be seen in your screen shot. You have two runtimes, each with its own app.